Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Politicians, Do the right thing for America!

Now that Senator Obama looks like the Democratic candidate and we get down to the main event. Let's talk seriously about the issues that concern Americans most. National security, illegal immigration and health care are the issues that most American want answers to. We can do better with our resourses than we have.

When you think about national security, the policies of the past 8 years have not made America any safer than we were before 9-11. The extremist, foreign and domestic are just as active and dangerous as they ever were. Osama bin Ladin is still alive and training terrorist. We are at war in two countries fighting a Vietnam style war. Mexico is having drug wars on our borders.

Illegal immigration is a three headed monster that most people in politics don't want to talk about. One, people are breaking the law by crossing the border illegally and entering the United States. These people are sometimes bringing illegal drugs with them. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency most of the illegal drugs that are in this country comes through Mexico. Two, the drain on our government services such as health care, education and legal system. American tax dollars are picking up the tab for those who undermining and disregarding the laws of our land. Three, Mexico is having a drug war on our southern border and the current administration plans to withdraw the National Guard from the border and reassign them somewhere else.

We are wasting our national treasures on things to fatten rich people pockets while those same dollars could have been used to pay for health care for those don't have it or the wasted resources could have also been used to fix social security. Hopefully the next administration will approach these issues that are important to the American people

1 comment:

shaqman said...

About time are called to be accountable.