Saturday, June 14, 2008


With all the talk in the presidential election about heath care and the rising costs of prescription drugs, I figure it's time to talk about some common sense things that can be done to lower the cost of health care in America.

My next few posts will look at health care cost and what we can do about it as advocates and consumers.

People who are uninsured can utilize their options. Don't accept the first option that is given to you. Here is a list of things that you can do to help manage the cost of your health.

  1. Talk to your doctor and explain to him/her that you don't have insurance and could he/she give you a discount on the cost of your visit.
  2. Ask how much a procedure cost and ask if there somewhere you could go that might do the procedure for less?
  3. Ask your doctor for samples of the medications that are being prescribed to you.
  4. Call around to different pharmacies before you take in your prescription. Prices vary widely from one pharmacy to the next. NYS Dept of Health has a website that allows you to compare prices of medications. Check, other states may have similar websites.
  5. Take advantage of Prescription Assistance Programs that are available.
  6. I should have mentioned this one first. Eat properly and exercise. You can avoid many health problems by taking care of yourself.

Be vigilant in your fight to combat the rising cost of health care. I will share more tips in tomorrows blog. Stay tuned because we are just getting started on this series.

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